Credit institution licensed as a finance company (French société financière)
A French société anonyme (limited-liability company) with share capital of € 578 383 669.50
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The Caisse de Refinancement de l'Habitat (CRH) attempts to ensure that the information shown on this site, which it reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice, is accurate and up-to-date. However, it cannot guarantee that this information is complete and has not been amended by a third party (e.g. hacking or virus). It cannot therefore accept any responsibility in the event of error or omission in this information.

Only the version in the French language as published in the Journal Officiel or filing by the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers is authentic.


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Links included on this site are for information purposes. The existence of a link on any page of this site does not imply CRH's responsibility in any respect: i.e. agreement with the contents of the pages to which this link leads, the practices of the parties responsible for these pages or any commitment in relation to their policy or opinions.

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Reproduction of documents of the Caisse de refinancement de l'Habitat

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-  for non-commercial use.

Digital reproduction and redistribution in electronic form are strictly prohibited without the express authorisation of the Caisse de Refinancement de l'Habitat


Personnal details

You are connected to the website of the Caisse de Refinancement de l'Habitat.
Registered office : 3, rue La Boétie - 75008 Paris
Director of publication:  Marc NOCART
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The CRH undertakes not to collect any personal information without your knowledge .

The CRH undertakes to use your email address only in order to reply to your request, and in no circumstances to divulge it to a third party. The CRH shall not market or sell your email address.

The audit file of the server
This is the consultation log of the server. It contains your IP address for each page you access. Its operation is described on the website of the CNIL, under the heading "découvrez vos traces sur Internet" (find out your internet trails).

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